Welcome to Flashback, a podcast by the Okaloosa County Public Information Office. Get ready to dust the nostalgia off your sleeve as we talk with Okaloosa citizens who share with us how things used to be. I’m your host Nick Tomecek. Its time to step into your imaginary DeLorean tap your flux capacitor and Flashback!!!

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Listen to AFSOC historians discuss the early history of Hurlburt Field and AFSOC, as well as some funny, serious and patriotic stories about this elite group known as the Air Commandos. Learn more about Okaloosa County services at myokaloosaa.com

Thursday Mar 31, 2022
FLASHBACK (Okaloosa): From Boggy Tech to Northwest Florida State College
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Northwest Florida State College has grown to be a premiere Junior College, recognized nationally for academics and athletics. Listen to past and present presidents, former students, and other historic recollections about the institution's history and some exciting new projects on the horizon.

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
FLASHBACK (Okaloosa): Niceville’s Mullet Festival and stories from backstage
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Lannie Corbin, Sheila Bishop and William Prince discuss their memories while working behind-the-scenes at the Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival. Listen to what they learned about the personalities of artists such as Rick Springfield, Charlie Daniels, the Dixie Chicks and Billy Ray Cyrus.

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
FLASHBACK (Okaloosa): Water Boggan on Okaloosa Island - Behind the scenes
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Water Boggan and its various names throughout the years created memories for thousands of children and their families beginning in 1977 on Okaloosa Island. The park was dismantled in the early 2000s but the memories live on in those who visited the park. On this episode of FLASHBACK we talked with two lifeguards who worked at the park for a behind-the-scene look into the park.

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
FLASHBACK (Okaloosa): Laurel Hill, Florida is home of the Hoboes - Want to know why?
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Laurel Hill, Florida is home of the Hoboes - Want to know how it got that name?
A unique part of our County is the City of Laurel Hill. Incorporated in 1905, the 3-square-mile Laurel Hill is the county’s oldest city. Laurel Hill is a quiet place, low-key in my opinion and has the feel of happiness that surrounds what you might think of when you think small rural town in America. It sits just a hop and a skip from the Alabama State line along State Road 85 and its one place in the County that will get snow on occasion in the winter. One thing that sticks out to me and probably many outsiders traveling through the town, is the mascot associated with the local school.
Laurel Hill is the home of the Hoboes. I was both surprised and curious about this when I moved to the area in 2005. This isn’t your typical tigers, gators, wildcats kind of mascot. So why the hobos? And what is a hobo?

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Listen as we take you back to the start of Goofy Golf in the late 1950s and all the years until the present day. We spoke with relatives of the first owner and founder, James "Jimmy" Hayes as well as Bob Fleskes, who owned Goofy Golf from 1971-2011 and the current owner Chris Clements.

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
FLASHBACK (Okaloosa): JAWS II, Roy Scheider mingles with Florida locals in late 1970s
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Over the years Northwest Florida and Okaloosa County was the set for movies dating back to the 1940s like Twelve O'clock High (1949) starring Gregory Peck about aircrews in the United States Army's Eighth Air Force, who flew daylight bombing missions against Nazi Germany. There was Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944) based on the real-life experiences of the pilots and crew of the famed Doolittle Raid.
John Wayne’s “The Green Berets,” was filmed at Eglin and more recently a movie called Frogs in 1972 where an upper class family who hunted and killed through the years and nature, including large bullfrogs rise up and attack them on an island. Its no surprise that this did not win an Academy Award
We also had Transformers: Dark of the Moon and Truman Show filmed in nearby Seaside in South Walton.
One of the most notable ones was filmed in Shalimar, Destin and Navarre was JAWS II, Starring Roy Scheider, who was known to frequent the local bars when they weren't shooting the film

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
FLASHBACK (Okaloosa): The Racetrack on Racetrack Road
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Racetrack Road is also named State Road 188. It is exactly 2.581 miles long.
Racetrack Road also has another name, that many people may not have noticed. On the west end of Racetrack Road a signs reads Brian D Little Road, designated by the State Legislature in 2006.
Its also well represented on the County Commission dais.
Three districts are represented along the road by Commissioners Goodwin, Boyles and Ketchel. Because it is a state road, it is maintained by Florida Department of Transportation.